
To Learn More about TCM Acupuncture Click Here

Acupuncture as part of physiotherapy treatments is a technique of inserting and manipulating fine needles into specific points on the body to relieve pain, encourage natural healing and increase energy.

Acupuncture performed by physiotherapists are certified through Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute and have passed theoretical and practical examinations as part of their training. It is often referred to as anatomical acupuncture and it is used to treat musculosketal injuries such as headaches, arthritic inflammatory conditions, postoperative pain, low back pain, neuralgia/sciatica, joint disorders, complex regional pain syndrome and whiplash associated disorders.

How Does Acupuncture by a Physiotherapist Differ from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupuncture?

The difference between these two types of acupuncture is that a physiotherapist does acupuncture to treat the muscles, joints and tendons injuries. TCM Acupuncturists  treat these areas, plus  other areas of the body such as digestion, stress, anxiety, sleep disturbances, pregnancy symptoms, nausea, neurological and respiratory issues.

Acupuncture performed by a TCM Practitioner can be direct billed to insurance companies as acupuncture, however, acupuncture performed by a physiotherapist can only be billed as a physiotherapy.




Our physiotherapist, Paul Chang, performing acupuncture! Interested in getting acupuncture? Give us a call today at 604-731-7319 or book an appointment via the JaneApp!